Electroliza - HHO cu numai 2mA?
Da. Pentru ca... 610Hz, 620Hz, 630Hz, 12000Hz si 42,8kHz sau mai precis 42712.2Hz ( frecventele Keely ) quote (povestea): [ Exploding water with 42712.2Hz Post From JoesCell2 (this is the opinion of a private person): Keely found that water will explode at a frequency of 42,712.2 Hz. ... did it with a Quartz Bowl....Think Quartz and how symmetry applies to magnets because that is how quartz crystals are formed, via symmetry. The 42,712.2Hz was applied to a quartz bowl with distilled water at which time it EXPLODED and disappeared. After this experiment Keely began studing geometric shapes that hold these specialized frequencies which can manipulate matter and the mind. So the power of the mind possibly can be realized by the special shapes that Keely discovered from special frequencies . if you know how this works you wouldnt even need a Joe Cell to make power and after a while not eve...